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Conferences topics

Conferences for managers

Timing of the interventions: 45 minutes to 2 hours
Languages: French and English

« Deciding in a complex environment »

Increase in the number of information, acceleration of the technological and sociological mutations, globalization of the economy… Making decision is an art more and more complex for managers. Especially as uncertainty and pressure reactive the cognitive bias that impacts our decisions: risks aversion, loss aversion, overvaluation of the immediate benefits, conformity bias, authority bias…
Since forewarned is forearmed, this conference will explore the way our brain takes decisions, especially in a stressful context. She will offer a decision tree, relying on the latest discoveries in neurosciences: when deciding alone, when deciding during an urgent situation, when should we trust our intuition and when should we not. She will talk about the decision-maker’s lifestyle: what type of lifestyle and every day activities are in favour of our brain’s health.


« The emotional intelligence in the service of the leadership »

According to the studies conducted in social sciences, the emotional quotient is a factor more determinant than the IQ when it comes to someone’s professional success. The emotional intelligence corresponds to the ability to understand oneself, to express oneself, to take into consideration others’ needs, to develop satisfying relationships, to handle stress and frustration, to take good decisions… The emotional competences are essentials to develop employees’ commitment and the collective performance for one’s teams.
Good news: even though the IQ does not vary during life, we can work on our EQ and develop it. Let’s discover how…

« How to improve quality of work life and collective performance? »

Quality of work life is a health stake. We believe that 50% of work stoppage are related to stress. This is also a legal stake for organizations that are responsible for their employee’s physical and psychological security at work. It is a business stake as well: “committed” employees are more productive, creative and offer a better quality services to the customers, etc. So, what are the commitment and quality of work life levers when it comes to organization and managerial culture?

This conference is built around a quiz. The participants can answer it divided into teams of 2 or 3 people.

« Change management: stakes and levers? »

In companies, change often leads to losses, frustrations and worries… It can cause stress and tensions between the employees. These difficulties can turn into resistance sources if managers don’t know how to deal with it. In order to overcome these difficulties linked to change, everyone needs positive emotions that motivate them: trust, pride, pleasure… Here again, companies need managers that know how to give meaning, conviviality, optimism to their teams. Thus, when and how communicate during a transition period, what are the management practices to put forward and what are the mistakes that should be avoided?

This conference will deal with concrete leads to succeed the human change management in a transformation context.


Conferences for all

« How to turn our emotions into our best allies? »

Fear to annoy, to upset, fear of not being good enough, to lose control… Repressed, brooded, uncontrolled angers… Guilt, shame, disappointment, lack of motivation… Sometimes, our emotions can be overwhelming, leading us to the bad decision or can stop us from reaching our goals.
The way we are dealing with our emotions has also an impact on our health. There is 3 times more risk to have cerebrovascular accidents for people who have a choleric temperament, 2 times more risks to suffer from hypertension, asthma and migraine for people who have an anxious temperament.
Yet, each of our emotions has a useful function and can be a source of energy if it is dealt the right way.
How do emotions work? How should we use it so they can stay allies and don’t turn into obstacles? How to express it and deal with the ones from our interlocutor in order to preserve the quality of our relationships?

« Feeding our self-esteem: stakes and levers? »

« I have loved myself, I have hated myself and then we grew old together… » wrote Paul Valéry.

It is true that sometimes, we can be our worst enemy, by being too demanding with ourselves, by not expressing our needs or limits, by always comparing ourselves with others in fields where they are better than us, by denigrating ourselves when we think we have failed, by avoiding situations we fear…
Yet, a good self-esteem is essential: it impacts our health, our performance and the nature of the relationships we built with others. Good news is, it is never too late to feed, develop and extend it.

How to stop the practices that our toxic for our self-esteem and how to correct them?

« How to optimize the 40% that depend on us? »

« I have decided to be happy because it is good for my health » said Voltaire.

250 years later, the scientific community confirms the philosopher’s intuition with studies.
Happy people have a better health and live longer. However, does our level of well-being really depend on us? According to the researchers, it partly does. If 50% of our ability to be happy depends on our genes and our past, 10% depend on our living conditions and 40% only depend on us, our perception and our relationships with ourselves, the others and the world.

Thus, what are the obstacles to our well-being and what elements can improve it.

Optimism, altruism and other factors that increase happiness…

« How to prevent and manage stress? »

Stress is responsible of about one day of work stoppage out of two. If it is chronic, it not only impacts our health but also our behaviour and efficiency. 
This conference will deal with the signals that can alert us that ourselves or one of our relatives are stressed out.
It will present the internal mechanisms that can create stress and the cognitive, emotional and physiological step back technics.
It will also deal with the communication technics that can help our stressed interlocutors to step back and reduce their level of pressure.

« Deciding with self-knowledge »

We make thousands of decisions each day, and most of them are made automatically. However, in a complex and changing environment, we can be overwhelmed by the sources of information and our capacities of discernment can be questioned. Moreover, our brain can deceive us: risk aversion, loss aversion, overvaluation of the immediate benefits, conformity… A lot of biases have an impact on our decisions and we are not aware of it.

How to identify them and protect ourselves from them? When can we trust our intuition and should we distrust it? When should we decide on our own and when should we take into consideration other people’s opinion? When deciding in urgent situation and when stepping back?

Stress, sleep, diet, multitasking… Which lifestyle is in favour of the brain functioning and protects it against neurodegeneration?

This conference will deal with all these questions and the latest discoveries in neurosciences.

« How to prevent and manage conflicts? »

« Hell is other people » said Sartre.

It is important for companies’ interests… We estimate that 65% of output problems in companies are linked to inter-personal issues and that one resignation out of two is due to conflicts that were badly or not managed.

However, school was not interested in developing our inter-personal competences. During this conference, we will deal with the main causes of conflicts and how to prevent and deal with it.

Communication, mediation and assertiveness technics will be on the program of this conference…

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